Client Spotlight: Eric Inkster and Lauren Monce

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Real Estate


Today we are talking to our clients Eric Inkster and Lauren Monce, a pair of buyers who are focused on investment properties. The Zachos Team has been able to help them in finding a home to invest in through our combined expertise in real estate, construction, and investment properties.

“We were referred to the team by our previous realtor, and we loved working with both Paul and Dee Dee due to their prompt responses to our questions and their professionalism during the process. Plus, they were both just easy to get along with.”

The Zachos Team is very intentional about our process for finding the perfect property for our buyers. According to Paul, he first looked for properties close to where Eric and Lauren lived, in order to make maintenance to the home convenient for them. Dee Dee does research on homes in the area that match the client’s description, and hands this info off to Paul so that he can show the client these homes directly. In this case, they were able to lead Eric and Lauren to a home that was right for them.

“We bought a single family investment property in Smyrna. The location is great and the area has a ton of potential for growth.”

Along the way, The Zachos Team identifies key info for the buyers, such as the best price to offer for the house, rental rates in the area, nearby attractions and amenities, and school zones. Dee Dee is able to put together this information so that Paul may relay it to buyers while showing the homes. In addition, Paul uses his building expertise to identify problem areas upfront with his buyers. In this case, Eric also had construction experience, so the two of them were able to identify issues fairly quickly.

“[Paul had] experience with assessing the renovations that needed to be done to the house and [identified] the houses that needed too much work.”

Once a seller accepts the offer price, Paul will bring in a dedicated home inspector to give a more detailed report on the status of the home. Problem areas are identified, and once this information is received, Paul brings his negotiation skills to the table. If the house has any major issues, Paul is able to fight for his buyers to receive a more fair price on the property, considering any future work that may need to go into it. Eric and Lauren were able to get a property at a price that fit into their investment goals.

“We thought that while it may be early to jump back into the market with the uncertainty around if the FED will drop interest rates, there was an opportunity to buy a house when prices were dropping.”

Once all of this is done, the buyers are now able to enjoy their investment. The Zachos Team is happy to help all of their clients in their buying journey, whether they are looking for homes for themselves or just to find out what investment is all about. Contact us today to find out how we can help you find the perfect home; Eric and Lauren would certainly agree.

“Trust Paul and Dee Dee to have your back and give valuable advice throughout the process. There are so many decisions to be made and you need someone you can trust to help you navigate the process.”

Written by Paul Zachos