Nonprofit Spotlight: Faith in Action

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“I like to solve problems. Especially if it’s a problem that can be solved relatively simply if you just take the time.”

This sense of practicality and serving immediate needs is core to the mission of Faith in Action, a ministry located in Douglasville, Georgia. It was co-founded by Beau McClain, who has also served as the Superior Court Judge of the county for many years. McClain says he got involved in this form of ministry in 2005, after Hurricane Katrina brought an unprecedented number of people in need of help to Douglas County.

“They were basically refugees from Hurricane Katrina. I organized a group of people to feed these folks once a week at a local motel.”

“When I found out about it, I just felt this really really strong pull to help these people, which I feel like was God calling me.”

Faith In Action follows this thread even further. McClain personally delivers beds, furniture, appliances, and more to those in need in order to serve the immediate needs of the community. The Zachos Team has been involved in this since the very beginning.

“The Zachos Team is a critical ingredient, because Mr. and Mrs. Zachos are extremely well known and well-connected in the community. They have a lot of friends and business associates in the community. So they’re an invaluable resource.”

“In fact, I enlisted [Paul] for the very first act of ministry that I did with Faith In Action, and he’s participated with us ever since.”

Faith in Action has partnered with numerous individuals and organizations around Douglas County for the last 19 years. Perhaps one of the more significant donations they’ve received is a dedicated warehouse space to store larger items that people might need down the line. This warehouse also serves as a staging area for Operation Christmas, an event which calls for donated toys in hopes of ensuring that no child around Douglas County goes without a gift on Christmas Day. While other Christmas ministries are also present, Faith in Action’s regular operations throughout the year fill a unique niche. McClain has been very grateful for the community support.

“This need was present, and it just wasn’t being filled by anyone. I think the reaction from the community has been extremely positive, because if it were not for us, then this just wouldn’t get done.”

“We’re the only entity I know of that fills this need.”

McClain ends our conversation with a story in hopes of illustrating the significance of the organization. He recalls that years ago, he received a call about taking a washer and dryer to an older woman. When he and Paul arrived at the house, it was especially unkempt, and she arrived in a nightgown with a hospital band on her wrist. McClain felt called to talk to the woman and understand her situation.

“I just sat out in the carport and talked with this lady. I just loved on her. I was just nice to her, I listened to her, I prayed with her, I talked to her about her situation. We left on a really good note. We had a discussion about maybe coming back and helping her clean up her house, because she had apparently been ill and just kind of let things run down.”

“And then I got a call the next day from her daughter. Her daughter found her dead the very next morning. So I’m absolutely certain that God sent us there to show love to her and kindness as she was about to leave this earth. We were the last people to see her alive.”

While McClain embraces the practical aspects of ministry, his faith is inseparable from the work he does. After all he’s done, he feels there is one lesson that stands above the rest.

“You get out on the mission field, you’re going to see the supernatural. And it’s going to bless you. It’s not going to make you scared. It’s going to make you glad that we have a God that loves us, and is paying attention to what we’re doing.”

Written by Paul Zachos